Looking for Tips To Help Your Job Hunt During the Christmas Period?

Christmas and the New Year is once again almost upon us and as a recruitment specialist we know it’s not unusual for people to put off their job search until after the Christmas and New Year festivities.

There are many reasons why job hunting is put off until the New Year, perhaps firstly is being able to spend more time with family, friends and loved ones as it’s one of the only times of the year that everyone is on holiday at the same time, or it might be that we are all just be too busy with everything that comes with preparing for the festivities and therefore we feel we have no time to dedicate to finding that potential new job.

There is also the misconception that employers are not looking for potential new employees at this time of the year, and that they suspend their recruitment plans ready for a big drive in January! However, we know that this is actually not always the case, so if you are looking for a new job opportunity don’t put it off, take into consideration the 5 tips below to help you decide if now is in fact the best time for you to search for that dream job;

  1. Simply because a lot of people do put their job search off until the New Year, Christmas can actually be a great time to look and apply for new jobs when there is less competition applying for the same opportunities!
  2. More often than not it is easier to contact Hiring Managers during the ‘run up’ to Christmas, for the simple reason they tend to have more available time as their businesses start to wind down!
  3. Seeing as Christmas is obviously at the end of the year, companies can sometimes still have available recruitment funds / budgets to assign to job roles before the year ends, and therefore they can still be actively recruiting for their business!
  4. And for a number of many other reasons; from people wanting extended Christmas / New Year holidays, to having found a new job to start in January makes December one of the times in the year where people do tend to give notice to leave their jobs, so If you’re looking for a new role this can be the perfect time as businesses actively look to back fill their up and coming vacancies.
  5. Since many people do not think about new beginnings and fresh starts or as the saying goes ‘New Year New Career’ until January, by looking for new job opportunities in December gets you ahead of the ‘New Year Rush.’

So, there you go – we hope these tips and considerations have been helpful, don’t forget to make your CV the best it can be and If you need advice and support in ensuring your CV is ‘job search ready’ then do not hesitate to email enquiries@optima.streamstudio2.co.uk with a copy of your CV and have one of our consultants help you on your way to your next job!

Merry Christmas and a Happy ‘New Job Year’


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