New Year, New Job …

It sounds like a cliché, but really… is it time to look for another job and make a fresh start in 2019?

Looking and finding a new role is a difficult process for anyone and with so many hoops to jump through for jobs today it often seems like it’s easier to stay where you are than make a move. Perhaps that’s why so many people put it off until they are at the end of their tether and end up staying in a company for too long. How do you know its time to move on?  Here are some of the signs that a job change is way overdue.

       1) You are becoming complacent

If your letting deadlines pass you by or you’ve stopped replying to emails, chances are it is because you don’t care anymore. When you start a new job, you have a certain passion and drive to impress your employer and make your mark. As time goes by a feeling of complacency can set in and you no longer have the drive to do your job like you did in the first day of work.

       2) You are not learning anymore

Some people are happy to do the same job day in and day out, but for others they need to be learning and developing themselves and enhancing their skills. If you can’t imagine yourself learning and growing at your current company, it may be a sign it’s time to move on to regain the passion you had on your first day.

       3) You are not being recognised

This can play a big part in creating resentment and frustration, and if colleagues around you are being promoted when you feel they are less talented than you, you need to tackle it head on… find out why and then make your decision, you don’t have to stay in a job that doesn’t make you feel worthy or valued.

       4) Financial

Sometimes there is no other reason than you know you could be doing the same job but for far more money, opportunity and benefits. It’s important to not under estimate yourself and to know your own worth. Look at similar roles in your field and see what they are offering. Even if you are not ready to move, at least you will know your worth and can use that to negotiate.

        5) Your inner self is telling you its time

Other than these signs, listen to your head and heart. You know yourself better than anyone and the environment you work in. If your inner self is telling you it is time to at least look then you need to listen.  New opportunities are out there.

If you would like to talk to someone about finding a new opportunity, Optima can help, contact one of our consultants on 0116 303 3560 or Upload your CV at and one of our team will be in-touch.


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