Received a Counter Offer? Here Are our Top Reason Not too Accept

Statistics show that 9 out of 10 people who accept counter offers have gone on to leave that position within 6 months. This is undoubtedly a problem for recruiters and employers alike, but as the person who accepts the offer, perhaps what you haven’t realised are the possible consequences.

As a recruitment agency we find it’s a problem that crops up time and time again, so we thought we’d share our thoughts with you and why we think you should consider that counter offer very carefully.

Are you going to be happy?

If you have handed in your notice the chances are that you are unhappy in your current role. On accepting the counter offer do you really believe things have changed? Your pay might be a factor in accepting, but the reasons that led you to look in the first place may still remain which might include lack of support from your manager and colleagues or a lack of progression in your role. The question to ask yourself is how you will be happy in a role that led you to look for another in the first place.

What will your employer think?

When you decided to hand in your notice, you are in effect ditching the boss. Once you’ve accepted that counter offer, your boss is likely to have feelings of mistrust and resentment and why shouldn’t they? If you can hand in your notice once, there is nothing to stop you from handing it in again. Is that really an environment you want to be working in?

Job Security

It’s true your boss stopped you from leaving, but should there be redundancies it’s highly likely you’ll be the first to go. Handing in your notice makes it quite clear you are not happy, so from now on they will question your commitment.

What kind of company are you working for?

Consider what kind of company you are working for if you have to threaten to resign before they give you what you are worth. On the other hand the company that offered you the job has realised your worth and potential without you even working a day. If they think you are worth it then why didn’t they pay you that before? Perhaps your manager is thinking his job might be under threat if he loses an employee.

So, before you decide to accept that counter offer think carefully about whether or not it’s really the best move for your career and why you started looking for a new position in the first place.

Should you need any advice our recruitment consultants would be more than happy to speak to you on 0116 265 1560


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