Optima Attend APMG 2020 Strategy Planning Meeting

On 14th January, Optima UK and other members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Manufacturing (APMG) gathered in the House of Lords to discuss the activities of the group for 2020.

The reconstitution of the group saw Jack Dromey MP & Mark Pawsey MP become Co-Chair’s and Baroness Burt of Solihull, Barry Sheerman MP, Vicky Ford MP & Jonathan Reynolds MP, elected as Vice-Chair’s.

The APMG is formed to have cross party representation and is made up of members who are passionate about the UK manufacturing (and engineering) industry and convene to ensure it continues to grow and prosper in the UK. This is achieved by bringing grassroots information on the sector issues to Parliamentarians and Policy makers to make a difference at Government/Policy level.

Key themes discussed and agreed upon for the year ahead for the group to tackle include:

  • Green manufacturing and the opportunity of Net Zero
  • International manufacturing and trade
  • Industrial Strategy, local and national
  • Innovation and science
  • Diversity in STEM
  • Procurement

As ever, if you have any particular thoughts, feelings, issues on any of the above topics, we can use our APMG membership to vocalise these to Parliamentarians and Policy Makers on your behalf. So please don’t be shy, if there are burning issues that are impacting you, do let us know! We are more than happy to take your comments to the group with us, or invite you to attend in person. For more information, a chat or informal meeting please email: charlotte.fionda@optima.streamstudio2.co.uk


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