I am ok:

Self-care is an important part of maintaining the feeling of being ok, bringing this into your everyday life is key to maintaining good health, some examples may include:

    • Regular calls with a friend
    • Writing goals/aspirations
    • Unplugging social media intermittently.

During a phase of good wellbeing, you may have the opportunity to help someone else asking them if they are, ok? You may have concerns about someone at work, maybe noticing a change in behaviour that is unusual for them and seems out of the ordinary, for example avoiding things and their responsibilities, looking tired, change in hygiene.

Its ok to let the person know you care. On reaching out the person may dismiss your concerns, asking twice is important alongside listening without judgement.

Let Optima support and upskill you, speak to your tutor today on how to book on our course.


I am not OK and I acknowledge I may need some help:

Acknowledging your not ok is ok, thousands of people are doing this right now and there are lots of people that can help you.


Talk to someone, this may be your Tutor, colleague, friend, family member or a professional ie GP, crisis line.


Open Up. Write down the things that are worrying you to share them with your chosen support.


Grow .Let Optima support and upskill you, speak to your tutor today on how to book on our course.


  • Text SHOUT to 85258 for confidential assistance 24/7
  • Email Optima between the hours of 9am till 5pm on  Areyouok@optima.streamstudio2.co.uk
  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 to talk about anything that is upsetting you
  • In Emergency dial 999

Remember, speak to your tutor to book a course