Optima Attend First Local Industrial Strategy Inquiry

This week Optima attended the first evidence session for the Manufacturing Commission’s inquiry into the Local Industrial Strategy organised by the APMG & the LLEP, kindly hosted by Norton Motorcycles at their impressive HQ.  We took a few of Optima manufacturing clients to feed into the strategy and comment from their perspectives. They were joined by other manufacturing organisaitions for a very productive round-table sessions discussing the current issues within the industry, what is working well and where there is room for improvement and how we can collectively drive the manufacturing industry forward (in the Midlands in this instance) to grow and prosper.  A second evidence session for the Northern region is due to be held in September.  Following that a report will be collated, published and presented at Parliamentary level to form both National and local Industrial Strategies.

It was encouraging to see Lord Bilimoria comment in a recent article “If this government is serious about the industrial strategy making a real difference, it must close the productivity gap we have with our nearest neighbours; to do this it will have to deliver for business at the local level. If the local industrial strategies are to help achieve that, the government must empower places to build on local strengths while also increasing appeal to inward investment. This will only be possible if government listens to and works in partnership with local leaders, allowing a true understanding of the complexities and differences of different localities.”
Lord Bilimoria of Chelsea is a crossbench peer, vice-president of the CBI and chair of the Manufacturing Commission


If you are interested in hearing more about our work with the APMG or the Local Industrial Strategy or becoming involved in any way contact charlotte.fionda@optima.streamstudio2.co.uk


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