Growth & Strategy

Helping your business take flight!

If we asked you to name some of the worlds largest or most valuable brands, which would spring to mind?? Most probably brands like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. BUT! They were all founded in the US! This is not to say that UK businesses haven’t had their share of global success, brands such as Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Legal and General, etc. are amongst the largest companies in the world.

However, SME’s have been and still are the engine room of the British economy, accounting for 99.3% of all private sector businesses (2018). So why aren’t UK entrepreneurs competing with their US counterparts?

Historically this comes down to lack of funding, risk aversiveness and failure to look outside of their own knowledge base. Business Owners will often launch their business with their own personal investment or will raise a small amount of money. Growing a business is difficult and expansion is expensive. Many businesses struggle to access cash and only work within their own level of expertise, leading many to become stuck at SME level.

Grow with us

With only 1 in 10 companies succeed in achieving sustained profitable growth, our seasoned business leaders are driven
to help SME companies within manufacturing and engineering industries grow and reach their full potential.

Sustained business growth isn’t easy and requires focus, an independent perspective from an external source can be invaluable.

We engage with your business to understand it intimately and work with you to uncover untapped growth potential, develop and implement a focused growth strategy plan and ensure all the right people are in place to deliver it.


This company required support to grow and position themselves for a retirement exit and wanted to enhance their ability for a profitable exit in the future. We worked in partnership to develop and execute a successful strategic growth plan to assess leadership, management and operational practice and processes.