Charity giving

At Optima, we are a caring and compassionate company and feel very fortunate as individuals and as a team, therefore it is important to us to give back when we can.

We support one main charity as our charity of the year (Apr19-Mar20), this year we are supporting Mental Health Charity Mind. As we are a business that is invested in people and workplaces, it seemed a natural choice to select Mind. With at least one in six workers experiencing common mental health problems, including anxiety and depression, we hope to not only raise funds for Mind, but also raise awareness amongst our clients/candidates.

In addition, we partake in various local initiatives to support the community around us. See what we have got up to on the charity front so far in this financial year!

Some of the cakes in competion

The Optima Great British Cake Off (Mind UK)

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Leicester Hospitals Charity

Donating Easter Eggs (Leicester Hospitals Chritable Trust)

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Football Sweat Shirts

Clients play on the pitch football event (Mind UK)

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